However, researchers have found limitations to these tests as subjects voluntarily control their reaction time, deception can still occur within the response deadline, and the test itself lacks physiological recording.
Pacts to Curb Greenhouse Gases Administration officials announced modest agreements with several industries to voluntarily control the emissions of greenhouse gas linked to global warming.
Those affected have been observed to not be able to voluntarily control their breathing in order to slow it down and the hyperventilation is predominantly controlled by the diaphragm.
Sphincters can also be voluntarily or involuntarily controlled:
This is the administration's latest and most intensive effort to demonstrate that voluntarily controlling emissions can make mandatory reductions unnecessary.
For example, we cannot voluntarily control our heartbeat or basic bodily functions like that.
He could not voluntarily control his attention.
Newborn infants cannot voluntarily control their posture.
This is called muscle tone and it's the only aspect of skeletal muscle activity that you cannot control voluntarily.
Believers stated that Audrey voluntarily controlled these devices through telekinesis because she made a deliberate decision to fast for a period of time.