In 2000 the museum acquired the collection, which includes paintings, drawings and voluminous writings (the largest manuscript is 15,000 pages).
Nikko is credited with preserving many of Nichiren's voluminous writings.
His voluminous writings in Latin were mostly concerned with astronomy and many regarded him as the greatest astronomer of his time.
How many things are there in a mans character of which his writings however miscellaneous or voluminous will give no idea.
Mentions Armstrong's voluminous writings and home tape recordings.
Long after he departed active politics, Garret continued to contribute to public life through his voluminous writing and scholarship.
In his voluminous writings, Rashi himself made no such claim at all.
If you read this book, which is a considered dissection of Robinson's voluminous writings as much as a biography, it does seem almost perverse.
These voluminous popular writings were applications of his technical philosophical positions to the social and religious issues of the day.
Yet he is equally famous, some might say notorious, for his voluminous writings.