The volume of trade between the two countries in 2001-02 totaled $41.89 million.
Over the years, he wrote down a series of 25 volumes totaling 7,400 pages.
Volume totaled 416.3 million shares, the largest since the week of the 1987 crash.
Volume totaled 196.2 million shares, up from 172.6 million the day before.
The year 1982, with memories of a depressed market still fresh, saw the volume of 124 offerings total $1.4 billion.
Volume totaled 184.8 million shares, down from 204.2 million Thursday.
Largely because of a strong January, new-issue volume in the first quarter totaled $262.1 billion.
Volume totaled 163.9 million shares, off from 172.2 million on Wednesday.
The volume of research funds totals 49.8 million Yuan.
Volume totaled 189.5 million shares, up from 174.7 million in the previous session.