This current creates a measurable, changing voltage potential within (and outside) the cell.
A voltage potential is applied between the electrodes to create an electric field in the fill gas.
Because a voltage potential of 120 kV existed between the mast and ground, it stood on a 2-metre-high insulator.
Measurements of voltage potential are taken using a dipole probe in a grid pattern throughout the surface of the survey area.
A voltage potential is applied between two electrodes within a sealed system.
Is seems reasonably that if the flow switches direction, that the hot and neutral wires would also switch voltage potential as well.
And every voltage potential I've ever heard of requires charged carriers, so the energy per charge is redundant.
Never turn on a transistor when there is a voltage potential between the source and drain.
The difference can be measured as a difference in voltage potential.
The electronic used for thyristor steering has at operation a high voltage potential against ground.