It was flat-topped like a mesa, and had been constructed by applications of artificial volcanic forces.
"Ragtime" aspires to nothing less than discharging the volcanic forces that forged modern America.
What many Americans think of as the heart of New York is changing with volcanic force.
From beneath the streets there were even more explosions, as gas mains erupted with volcanic force.
Yet you always sense that just below the surface is a volcanic force waiting to erupt.
Hills were low and sparse, and usually displayed signs of volcanic forces.
He is awed by the almost volcanic psychological forces which surge within the human heart, especially when they are nurtured by celibacy.
Typhon is thus the chthonic figuration of volcanic forces.
The valley was formed by volcanic and glacial forces over 10 million years ago.
Technological innovation, which appears too rarely in the book's latter pages, can even have volcanic force.