The first fossils of Vulcanodon were found sandwiched between volcanic flows, giving it its name.
The term is generally applied to sedimentary strata, but may also be used for volcanic flows or ash layers.
At the type locality the mineral occurs within limestone blocks that are contained in a volcanic flow.
Further north beyond the mountains is the rugged, volcanic flows of the Tortured Lands.
However, it seems that a volcanic flow covered up the lakebed sediments.
The land area of the caldera is often heavily forested, except in areas where there are more recent volcanic flows and features.
On Io, in a century, much of the surface should be reflooded, filled in or washed away by new volcanic flows.
Above the valley floor, the east cliff face is composed of folded volcanic flows of dacite.
More recently, volcanic flows covered large areas of the mountains in basalt.
The Alboran sea has numerous areas on its floor formed from volcanic flows.