What I got instead was volcanic energy, sulphurous opinions, and sheer brilliance.
As the chapter ends, the now enormous monsters brought to life by the volcanic energy are spilling away from Greenland towards Europe.
At length, after many failures, it became possible to use volcanic and subterranean energy to drive dynamos.
As continuing lava flows indicate, volcanic energy is where you find it.
What makes Gorky's art especially remarkable is that it somehow melds this most exquisite sensitivity to a volcanic and erotic energy.
The Sleeper originally could also generate "volcanic" thermal energy and project it through its face-plate.
He glared at the cake, half tempted to kick or trample it-anything to work off the volcanic energies rising within him.
This look in turn gave place to one of decision; the volcanic energy of the man was working to some definite purpose.
In keeping the lid on such volcanic energy, he makes Bobby's climactic explosion inevitable.
At the end it explodes: a jungle of percussion, a rhythmic tangle of volcanic energy.