Then came a calm, even-toned interruption: the voice of Cranston, spoken by The Shadow.
Not a loud voice, but clearly spoken, pitched to reach his ear.
A convincing human voice, spoken or sung, with all its complex, flowing articulations and quivering uncertainties has been unattainable.
Bunyan himself is an offstage voice, spoken through appropriately booming amplification by John McDonough.
The "action experiment" of tapping the power of the mainstream middle class urban English media to reflect unheard rural voices spoken in local languages, grounded in very local realities, got a measure of success.
According to Miyamoto, the microphone is designed to "clearly capture many different voices being spoken in a room at the same time and convey that over the Internet."
The sound of human voices spoken in a liquid atmosphere was probably quite different from what he was hearing now.
They were in hoarse voices, spoken by Legrec's grinning helpers.
Across one end of this tooth was stretched a diaphragm made of the tier skin and magically enhanced to project a voice spoken into it.
In her eerie secondhand voice spoken through the monk, Kwyna said, "And have you listened to any of the numerous protests against the Jihad?