And Thornhill's phone also had a voice scrambler that would make voice ID impossible.
Until he'd unmasked the blonde and redhead, all the staff had kept quiet in his presence, using the voice scrambler to communicate.
She uses a voice scrambler in order to recruit Temblor to carry out her missions of ecoterrorism.
These, in turn, replaced less secure voice scramblers.
He checked the power output, then verified that the voice scrambler was operating properly.
They have a voice scrambler set to yours, so leave yours on.
And leave your voice scrambler on, too.
At first, the calls were made using a voice scrambler as this was thought to be secure.
The pay phone system is superior to debugging devices and voice scramblers.
For $350, his Madison Avenue store offers a voice scrambler made by Research Electronics that straps onto an ordinary telephone receiver.