He had a rumbling Midwestern voice, roughened by cigarettes.
A voice roughened by breathing grit and walking too long rang in his head, then faded.
Ten seconds later a gruff voice roughened from years of cigarette smoke was on the line.
"No," said Toby, his voice roughened by unfamiliar emotions.
"No, I won't do it," he shouted in a voice roughened by the octli he had drunk.
Victoria almost screeched the words, her voice roughened by hours, if not days, of deep emotion.
"What a day's work," he said in a voice roughened by exhaustion.
It was slaughter, pure and simple,*' he told the Council in a voice roughened by the smoke.
His voice, roughened by smoke and sickness, was that of a stranger.
So she played them a song they could sing, bellowing out the words in voices roughened by wind and salt.