Their voices melded into the night as though they had caused the early summer air to vibrate with a deep harmony before they broke into song.
The warriors get closer, and their voices meld together.
The voice in his head chanted the mantra until voice and action melded into a sick symphony, drowning out the yells, crashes and swearing around him.
But the band's signature is its singing; no one of the three women is a great soloist, but their voices meld sensationally.
I chose not to do this, and their voices melded with the breeze.
Set off only by percussive instruments, the voices meld into a communal, elegiac cry that transcends Ms. Blecher's rudimentarily poetic libretto.
Flandez said that the "voices melded well together".
Working in Jamaican studios at scores of recording sessions, the Radics have perfected the kind of playing in which the voices of individual instruments disappear, or meld; the listener simply hears a sound and feels a groove.
Their voices had melded into one hurting cry of many notes.
Her voice melded with his as her heart did.