Her voice is wonderfully suited to the music of both composers, and she brings a welcome freshness to it.
Her three-octave voice was perfectly suited to creolized lyric music.
He has also worked as a radio host and literary correspondent, a job for which his Cognac-smooth voice is well suited.
But his voice is not suited to Lehar's music.
Though she expressed a desire to record country material, Monument resisted, thinking her unique voice with its strong vibrato was not suited to the genre.
Long ago she decided that the more lyric roles to which her voice was probably best suited were not tapping all of her resources.
You can't blame him for loving Mozart the most, though, since his voice and temperament are so well suited to the style.
Rihanna's voice, nimble and cool, is perfectly suited to this sort of thing.
I know when I wake up in the morning and sing that my voice isn't suited for rock 'n' roll.
Jonathan Alger's plaintive voice was especially suited to the score's melancholy beauty.