Rick's voice was gentle and articulate now, very much different from the street inflections of a moment before.
Scott Shepherd, who plays Hippolytos's best friend, doubles as a reader, whose voice (both live and recorded) articulates Phèdre's tormented thoughts in deadpan style.
A voice, scarcely articulate, without character, breathed: 'Oh,' and the door closed.
His voice was shrill, but very clear and articulate; and I could distinctly hear it when I stood up.
Wolferman's clear, luminous voice articulates emotion almost uncannily.
When it reopened, a voice issued from it: deep, disembodied, articulated without synchronization of Shriggar tongue and lips.
His voice suddenly clear and extremely articulate, Duque proclaimed, "She won't listen.
The voice was clear, articulate, and appeared to be intelligent.
The voice is engaging and articulate.
He had a flat Midwestern accent, and his voice was shaky but articulate.