Several people in Bucharest, voicing anxiety about the continuing political turmoil in Romania, also agreed that it would be better if the King postponed his trip.
Some big purchasers of health care voiced anxiety about Partners' power to Tom Reilly, the state attorney general.
On the political front, Republican strategists voiced rising anxiety on Saturday that without a major change in the course of the Iraq war, Republican candidates would suffer dearly in the November elections.
Nonetheless, as word about the plan spread through Bridgeport, some residents voiced anxiety that the march could lead to trouble.
Individual investors voiced anxiety about the surge.
The pope, though alarmed, was accommodating to her and even agreed to let her stay in the Vatican one night after she voiced anxiety about her safety.
StarMedia's charismatic 33-year-old founder and chief executive, Fernando J. Espuelas, is not one to voice anxiety, though.
On the management side, several owners have voiced anxiety about the length of the lockout.
As the number of immigrant workers has soared, Americans are voicing less anger and anxiety about immigration than in the mid-1990's.
British officials, however, have voiced anxiety over the strategy, particularly over the capabilities of the ALP, described by Allen's predecessor, General David Petraeus, as "a community watch with AK-47s".