That struck to the heart of the matter, and had been something she had not felt comfortable voicing aloud.
Turrin had been half expecting it, and still the statement, voiced aloud, had come as a surprise.
Authie was startled to hear his thoughts voiced aloud.
Diskan's lips shaped the words he could not voice aloud.
He exchanged a look with Nog that said a lot more than either of them could voice aloud.
That he might not live was a possibility she could not voice aloud.
His alternatives are presented in three "thought balloons" at a time, with each balloon's option written, illustrated and voiced aloud.
The wrong question, voiced aloud, could be met with tight-lipped impatience, or worse, another lecture on deportment.
Egwene had no answer, and her guesses were not of the sort she wanted to voice aloud.
I asked him what he meant, but he gave me to know that it was not something he cared to voice aloud at the moment.