Before the voting today, Mr. Gorbachev shed his conciliatory tone and lashed out in a fighting speech at hard-liners who had vociferously criticized his economic and foreign policies at the congress.
Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole, the measure's chief advocate, is a front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination and has vociferously criticized Mr. Clinton for vacillating on Bosnia.
The plan was vociferously criticized from the start, not the least because it did not take into account the natural topography of the island.
Why does she need to be so vociferously criticized?
He was criticized in his own time-most vociferously by critic Vincent Scully-for having no identifiable style; one explanation for this is that Saarinen adapted his modernist vision to each individual client and project, which were never exactly the same.
During this period Bach had been criticized vociferously by the Danish composer Johann Adolph Scheibe for producing music that was too old-fashioned, abstract and artificial.
Mr. Murkowski had vociferously criticized the nuclear agreement last month, saying that he would seek to overturn it by blocking the United States from buying the oil it is committed to supplying to North Korea under the pact.
The treaty's insistence on low inflation and low budget deficits is being vociferously criticized as little more than a Bundesbank-dictated recipe for further deflation at a time when a slump already exists.