Their fervor suffered frenetic confusion as city officers in charge of the hunt embroiled themselves in vociferous, fist-waving arguments.
Decker might have raised his voice in vociferous argument.
A vociferous argument broke out.
And while most homes have managed to blend in with those of the their neighbors, that coexistence has come only after bitter debates that have distinctly echoed the first vociferous arguments.
Ayla looked from one person to the next, unable to understand how the entire Camp had suddenly become embroiled in a vociferous argument, but feeling that somehow it was all her fault.
The dissent bought into Lucien's rather vociferous argument that Ernie Gaddis had been given too much freedom in abusing Danny Padgitt on cross-examination.
So NL plate umpire Cy Pfirman called "no pitch," touching off a vociferous argument with the Cardinals they couldn't win.
'Twasn't neither, 'twas Camac," someone else called out, and a loud and vociferous argument ensued, which ended abruptly when Pikestaff Pat put two fingers in his mouth and whistled loudly and piercingly.
"Soap Girl" has engendered the most vociferous pro-and-con arguments I've ever seen on the message boards.
The application of the term "non-violent" to genres such as the first-person shooter (FPS), that many players consider inherently or definitionally violent, has at times generated vociferous arguments that the concept is inconceivable and at best oxymoronic.