"I know that many persons who say vocal prayers are raised by God to high contemplation without their knowing how."
Now we see it rearing its head in kindergarten settings, where the prayer police are on the beat to suppress any renegade attempts at vocal prayer.
Adolphe Tanquerey distinguishes between vocal prayer, which is expressed by words or gestures, and mental prayer, "which takes place wholly within the soul".
Within the enclosure there will be no liturgies or vocal prayers, either by individuals or groups.
Common Catholic vocal prayers were all included in the book.
One morning, deeply impressed by this scripture, the fourteen-year-old Smith went to a grove of trees behind the family farm, knelt, and began his first vocal prayer.
One should beware of underrating the usefulness or necessity of vocal prayer.
A few short vocal prayers well said are far more acceptable to God than a great many long ones recited without attention.
To his disciples, drawn by their Master's silent prayer, Jesus teaches a vocal prayer, the Our Father.
The clergy will conduct no liturgies or vocal prayers in the chapel, either by individuals or groups, as the space is meant for private meditation and contemplation.