"Visual displays for the assessment of vocal pitch matching development", Applied Acoustics, 39, 235-252.
The intent of the procedure is to raise the vocal pitch of patients unable to do so through voice training.
The difference in vocal fold size between men and women causes a difference in vocal pitch.
For example, the vocal cords are stretched to different lengths to change vocal pitch.
It had previously been leaked on the internet in early 2011, albeit with a different vocal pitch.
In addition, she can also prevent others from hearing external sounds by a certain vocal pitch so that she can secretly deliver messages to them.
The officers observed travelers facial expressions, body and eye movements, changes in vocal pitch and other indicators of stress or disorientation.
A few subtle changes of vocal pitch have been made: "What Have I Done?"
Marcia's version of the song featured a slight but noticeable difference in vocal pitch from either of the Ellis' versions.
Most trans-gender people have deep voices if that is their natural voice, and any change in vocal pitch is a pyschological choice not a physical result.