His touch was gentle, his vocal phrasing slippery, like that of the Brazilian and French chanteuses he admired.
As George Jones' tenor singer, Paycheck has been credited with the development of Jones' unique vocal phrasing.
Ross would later make a crucial decision when it came to interpreting Holiday's music: instead of flatly imitating Holiday, she only focused on Holiday's vocal phrasing.
For much of her set she continued in this quiet vein, letting the strings and Mr. Bell's carefully constructed soundscapes guide her vocal phrasing.
Mr. Torme's relentlessly aggressive but steady drumming mirrored a style of vocal phrasing that seldom lingers and never flags.
There is also a version by Harry Belafonte that changes the feel to a jazzy-bluesy waltz and moves the vocal phrasing around quite a bit.
His sensitivity to vocal phrasing sounds natural and effortless, and the singers respond with wonderfully free performances.
His unique style combined slide guitar work with unusual lyrics, and a vocal phrasing that was difficult to decipher.
Springsteen's vocal phrasing tends to fade off at the end of each line of the song.
His vocal phrasing was less closely tied to specific bars than most blues singers.