He was an authority on the evolution of songbirds' vocal mechanisms.
Kate Soper (born 1981) is a composer and vocalist, notable for her innovative treatment of the vocal mechanism.
He does not have a tenor or baritone voice like a general man; his vocal mechanism is that of a female sopranist.
"Human tongues evolve the same syllables, having the same vocal mechanism."
Estill's research led to a series of vocal manoeuvres to develop specific control over individual muscle groups within the vocal mechanism.
Learning to produce and apply different onsets marks the beginning of control over the vocal mechanism.
Children may experience problems with their voice due to misuse or abnormalities in the vocal mechanisms.
Stylistically there are differences, of course, but the vocal mechanism is the same.
Her work is designed to liberate the natural function of the vocal mechanism as opposed to developing a vocal technique.
Among opera singers, athleticism is typically confined to the vocal mechanism.