"Naturally" is an electropop song that has a juicy and instantly memorable vocal hook.
There are a lot of vocal hooks and cool synth sounds that's new in this album.
The performance was accompanied by Vernon who provided his vocal hook on the song.
The mix for "Everybody" starts with four repetitions of the vocal hook and then moves into a rhythm centered arrangement.
"Who's That Girl" employs this effect on the last chorus where three or four different vocal hooks are intertwined.
The song's chorus has the use of a vocal hook; the hook sings, "fly on the wall".
When they add vocal hooks, it's not for pop love songs but for tidings of paranoia.
The track received positive reviews from music critics who praised Ocean's vocal hook, and the subject matter of the verses.
She goes on to say that Jackson's "rich vocal romping hooks this catchy twirl."
Guitar licks and vocal hooks with 5th or 9th harmony is common in post-1995 melodic hardcore.