And when I write songs, I write them in such a way that they don't present any vocal challenge.
The reason opera singers, or even singers in song recitals, concentrate all their effort on singing is that the vocal challenges are so formidable.
Some quiet diplomacy initially, followed by more vocal challenge if necessary, might be the intervention that is required.
But The Shadow's vocal challenge was but the prelude to further action, that he supplied in his usual rapid style.
The role also posed unusual vocal challenges.
With less than stunning vocal challenges attempted, there is little to recognize as truly impressive with this release.
A lack of openness and debate appears to be one of the reasons for the more vocal challenges from Chongqing's frustrated environmental bureau.
And the four supporting roles, while presenting few vocal challenges, offer fully formed characters to newcomers hoping to make an impact.
There were some vocal challenges, as there are with all young singers.
In 2006, the group disbanded due to lead singer Mark Stuart's "ongoing vocal challenges."