Once children have gained a level of vocabulary knowledge, new words are learned through explanations using familiar, or "old" words.
Research shows that children's capacities in the area of phonological memory are linked to vocabulary knowledge when children first begin school at age 4-5 years old.
This highly speeded section is designed to test the subject's vocabulary knowledge of English as well as his/her sound-symbol association ability.
Increasing vocabulary knowledge, listening skills and teaching basic comprehension techniques may help facilitate better reading comprehension.
Scrabble is a word game that relies on both vocabulary knowledge and chance.
Students learn best from an approach that includes phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary knowledge and comprehension.
Children whose disabilities require AAC often experience developmental delays in language skills such as vocabulary knowledge, length of sentences, syntax, and impaired pragmatic skills.
Strategies that can be used to improve reading comprehension include: building oral and auditory language skills, including skills in: vocabulary knowledge, narratives, listening comprehension, and figurative language.
WordRounds and WordMatches are designed to test vocabulary knowledge and dexterity and are created by an independent third party for the webmaster.
In the comprehension stage Terrell focuses on students' vocabulary knowledge.