I saw the first of the snowdrops today, vividly green against the last of the melting snow, topped by little white bells just aching to open.
Light suddenly blazed up, washing across the lawn and the shrubbery, turning them vividly green.
His cheekbones had sharpened, chin lengthened a little, and the vividly green eyes tilted more noticeably.
Captain Hu-Lin Radisson was watering a vividly green plant.
In neighbouring Cantabria, the rolling landscape of the bucolic Pas Valley is so vividly green you could detox just looking at it.
The right-hand bank, which sloped down to the macadam, was covered with vividly green clusters of rhododendron shrubs.
He brought up in a copse of vividly green bushes.
He crossed to the window to gaze wistfully out at the vividly green Common, down to the river with its backdrop of the great mountain range.
I recall most vividly a starter: a briny oyster risotto napped with a vividly green watercress coulis.
His eyes were vividly green; his face in general was less haggard, less - prisoned.