The novel is a vivid story of a young boy growing up in a small Caribbean rice-growing community.
But the voices of people who are getting food stamps tell a more vivid story than do the dry numbers.
The result is a vivid story of a witch trial, delivered here in a powerful translation.
And all that seemed a very vivid story.
They broke into a vivid story about a man who could fly in the air.
It helped them to understand the meaning of sentences while providing vivid stories which children could remember.
And when we invited senior citizens to speak to the young people about Harlem's past, their vivid stories offered a sense of possibility.
The result is a vivid story of a nation repeatedly trampled by foreign powers until it won its independence in 1993.
I'm just wondering... can you find a story this vivid for your product or service?
Men who were present have told vivid stories of that scene at the Phillips House.