"Suburban Sahibs" presents us with a series of vivid snapshots of the immigrant dynamism that powers America's greatness.
As much as she wishes it weren't so, World Cup provides a vivid snapshot of what is happening nationwide.
People say both of these things, and mean them, because the event breaks up into a series of discrete, vivid snapshots.
The book unfolds in vivid snapshots of Andoe's life, capturing the moments that fueled his art and life.
It's a vivid snapshot of the career of one of Nigeria's most influential senior figures, now in his early 70's.
The title track, a live recording, provides a vivid aural snapshot of their live show during 1968, complete with the deafening screams of fans.
It is also a vivid snapshot of African colonial life in the last decades of the British Empire.
But the book's poignant sense of distance - its narrator keeps reaching the limits of memory - prevents most episodes from becoming more than vivid snapshots.
But from a purely economic standpoint, here's a vivid snapshot of one revolutionary change that took place during his tenure.
Aspen provided a vivid snapshot of its era.