A great game, a pitchers' duel like today's 1-0 victory by Toronto, puts those skills on vivid display.
Something as simple as a mug can turn a handful of pansies into a vivid display.
On the street outside, the emotions surrounding the debate were on vivid display.
They feel the same about Napoleon, and this month both problems have been on vivid display.
This year the disdain with which these two men hold each other has been on vivid display.
The awkward tension between intelligence and prosecution was on vivid display in the Lodi case.
The candidates' strategies were on vivid display yesterday.
It is also a vivid display of competition in an age when devices seem destined to turn quickly into cheap commodities.
But reporters who cover the Governor get frustrated by his semantic shell games, on vivid display now.
The family's careful aesthetic is on vivid display in their 800-square-foot two-bedroom apartment.