Mills defined sociological imagination as "the vivid awareness of the relationship between experience and the wider society."
Another change, she realized, that his just touching her could cause that sudden and vivid awareness.
The awareness of his freedom vivid as a brand against her back, Dhirken kept her face turned away.
Since, in being trained as an artist, his vivid and vital awareness visions were exquisite arrays of mandalas.
"There is no striving for glory without a vivid awareness of an audience" (Eric Hoffer)
She trembled with a vivid awareness that was tingling through her whole body, bringing warmth to her skin and champagne into her bloodstream.
Furthermore, a vivid awareness of past and future robs the present of its reality.
Thus, though a mass movement at first turns its back on the past, it eventually develops a vivid awareness, often specious, of a distant glorious past.
The effect of it all was to make me slightly wobbly on my pins, but with an acute and vivid awareness of everything around me.
Feedback from a thousand senses brings to me a vivid awareness of all that moves and glows.