They also provide vivid anecdotes of their relationships with in-laws who suffered and campaigned for the release of all the hostages.
For the most part, vivid anecdotes keep these reminiscences from bogging down.
This balanced biography is "informative and filled with vivid anecdotes," Jennifer Dunning wrote here in 1998.
Even his admirers have trouble coming up either with vivid anecdotes about him or with pregnant quotations from his writings.
We prefer the vivid anecdote to the dry and statistically useful fact, which in a complex world, is to our detriment.
It has many vivid anecdotes.
In particular, vivid, emotionally-charged anecdotes seem more plausible, and are given greater weight.
Though informative and filled with vivid anecdotes, her book is overwhelmed at times by her research.
Owens's studies contain some of the more vivid anecdotes in the earnest academic literature on relational aggression.
Served straight up, what it lacks in cohesion is made up for by the vivid, foul-mouthed anecdotes of rivalry, excess and despair.