Within Israel, you hear vitriolic debates in politics and the news media about the use of force and the occupation of Palestinian territories.
For centuries this phrase has sparked remarkably vitriolic debates among Ramahan.
The question has sparked a vitriolic debate in District 26, the city's highest-achieving school district.
A debate, often vitriolic, within the opposing party, giving the public a perception of disarray.
But vitriolic debate about the construction work has broken out all over this city.
A bitter and vitriolic debate was slowly building up about SCAF 252.
Congress, after much vitriolic debate, passed a slight raise in the minimum wage.
A series of more than a dozen vitriolic debates ensued.
For a while we were condemned to a television road show of vitriolic debates.
In fact, her success rate in cases around the country is difficult to pinpoint and remains the source of vitriolic debate.