Although the mayor temporarily backed off from the court action, he continued his vitriolic criticism of the union, saying that striking transit workers "actually kill people" because ambulances would be delayed in the resulting traffic jams.
It is a marked shift from the early years of his presidency, when he faced vitriolic criticism from most news organizations, which were owned by the country's moneyed elite.
Professor Naylor's vitriolic criticisms of alleged Polish laziness and irresponsible romanticism are a reformulation of the racist German phrase "Polnische Wirtschaft" (Polish management).
The report which was leaked on July 16, 2001 was met with condemnation and subjected Philip Morris to vitriolic criticism from politicians, anti-smoking activists, and watchdog groups.
Digitiser revelled in controversy, inspiring vitriolic criticism both from various external groups, and Teletext's editorial team, who viewed the writers as troublemakers, but were unable to axe them due to the magazine's phenomenal popularity.
Canadian newspapers were filled with vitriolic criticisms of the Iltis from retired military officers.
Despite his triumph (after the fight both men were admitted to hospital), Frazier remained the bewildered target of some vitriolic criticism.
Among the post-1982 buildings already completed, Metropolitan Tower near Carnegie Hall has attracted the most vitriolic criticism and also a few devotees.
It drew immediate and vitriolic criticism from other scientists, many of them under contract to the weapons industry.
Furthermore, in paragraph 15 there is a vitriolic criticism of the Funds, a claim based on isolated examples that lack of coordination is widespread, exaggerating the counter-productive effects of the Structural Funds.