He had been asked whether the men would consult their wives before taking the vital decision on when to return to Afghanistan.
But others say that now is precisely when musicians with alternative points of view should be heard, while vital national decisions are still being made.
So there seems little doubt that the vital decision was de Castelnau's, and his alone.
So the vital decision was never submitted to an honest criticism and evaluation.
But you need to know exactly what the situation is, for you have a vital decision to make.
It is also necessary to make the vital decision how the structure should be manned.
And it seemed to come when there was a vital decision to make, the sort where the wrong choice might well get his throat cut.
You may be trying to arrive at some vital decision that will determine your entire future.
He intends to wait until the last moment before making the vital decision on taxes.
These are important and vital decisions in which Parliament, too, should be involved.