Instead they took her on a wandering tour of what seemed to be a vital community.
Despite the fact that there was a vital community of families, property owners, and businesses, many people from both the inside and out saw little opportunity.
Except for a small break in the 1990s, Maxwell's has been a vital a part of the indie music community ever since.
It could also be a redundant school, church or town hall, with potential to become one of those vital community hubs.
DTL was founded in 1994 to serve and celebrate this vital artistic community.
Visitors will also find a vital community trying to recover from urban abandonment.
But what are the long-term prospects for a vital Jewish community in Poland?
"We are incredibly proud of our achievements in this arena and look forward to doing even more to provide resources to this vital community," she said.
It resumed being a vital black community until segregation was overturned by the Federal Government during the 1950s and 60s.
By the end of the 1990s and early 2000s, the neighborhood had transformed into an economically vital community.