Mission success and the safety of the astronauts depend on a robust communications infrastructure that allows engineers and scientists to visually assess a crew's well-being and safe vehicle operations.
I visually assess a work, in part, peripherally, similar to discerning a faint twinkling star in the night sky, so as to ensure a strong impression.
A forest can be cruised to visually assess timber and determine potential fire hazards and the risk of fire.
Even before the away team had fully materialized, Dr. Lense, Nurse Wetzel, and Medical Technician Falcao snapped into action, visually assessing each team member's status.
First, the doctor should visually assess the eyes for deviations that could result from strabismus, extraocular muscle dysfunction, or palsy of the cranial nerves innervating the extraocular muscles.
When sonar also reported eight extremely large explosions followed by a dozen smaller ones, Mack went to periscope depth and then broached to get the periscope high enough to visually assess the damage.
In 2003, Freeze 24/7 had an outside company test the product by having a researcher treat the faces of 20 women and visually assess their wrinkles.
Nutrient deficiency can be detected by visually assessing the physical symptoms of the crop.
At USAir, according to Nancy E. Vaughan, a spokeswoman, flight attendants are expected to go to the exit row and "visually assess" the people there.