He also wanted to disrupt the visual traditions that came from the genre.
There was a visual tradition to match, especially rich in phallic grotesqueries mushrooming out of a large gouty foot.
Other passages were edited to deconstruct white visual traditions and white ideologies.
The theme of the storm-tossed vessel comes from a long literary and visual tradition and underscores man's struggle against evil.
Others are more at ease with alternative visual traditions, like folk art and crafts.
Both men avoid century-old ethnographic imagery but incorporate a variety of visual traditions to create artworks that are clearly their own.
The jump from the oral tradition to fiction was easy, so a literary tradition eclipsed a visual tradition.
Bonington, by contrast, worked almost entirely within existing visual traditions, perfecting rather than expanding long-established conventions of rendering landscape.
Bruegel combines two distinct visual traditions within the panel.
Her work is primarily characterized by research into visual traditions, taboos, and the body of the individual in relationship to social bodies.