For example, a neuroscientist may measure how neurons in the visual pathway respond to light.
The visual pathways of eutherian mammals and marsupials develop according to a common timetable.
Similar to the sensory organization test, the visual pathway would then be removed by closing the eyes.
An attempt to localize structures in the primary visual pathway was completed by Szikla and colleagues.
Lesions affecting other parts of the extracerebral visual pathways can also cause micropsia.
Diurnal rhythms are known to depend on visual pathways and to respond to light intensity.
There was no related activation in V1 or V2, the earlier stages of the visual pathway.
Bypassing damaged tissues in the visual pathway allows for a wider range of treatable patients.
The optic nerve is not the only tissue of the visual pathway susceptible to decreased blood flow.
The patient with an intact visual pathway will maintain eye contact with herself or himself.