This looks at the main health risks associated with display screen equipment (DSE) work - including musculoskeletal disorders, visual fatigue and mental stress.
When they focus on one thing for too long, the accommodating eye muscles get stressed and tired, thereby causing visual fatigue.
Some users however may experience temporary visual fatigue or have other concerns.
She looked and looked until all the darkness of the room was alive with swirling shadowy figures, products of visual fatigue.
Even slight misalignment will cause vague discomfort and visual fatigue as the brain tries to combine the skewed images.
Other effects include relaxation, impaired senses visual, auditory, and olfactory fatigue, and appetite stimulation.
Adverse health effects such as oculomotor symptoms, motor disorientation, and visual fatigue on viewers after three-dimensional exposure, result from the mismatch between the visual, the proprioceptive and the vestibular stimuli.
The 3D objects can be viewed without wearing any special glasses and no visual fatigue will be caused to human eyes.
The products are designed to condition a person to "get the visual message to the brain better," and to reduce visual fatigue, not to improve eyesight per se.
And going through the show once, back to front, evens out the effects of visual fatigue.