Dogs who are homozygous for the merle pattern gene often have visual and auditory deficits.
If these regulatory networks are disrupted, retinitis pigmentosa, macular degeneration or other visual deficits may result.
To make up for what could charitably be called a visual deficit, the movie comes up with a surfeit of notions.
This initially presents with problems with colors (dyschromatopsia) and can leave central visual deficits.
Autistic patients show a plethora of visual deficits.
Orton observed that reading deficits in dyslexia did not seem to stem from strictly visual deficits.
Thus, if visual deficits were a major cause of reading disabilities, children with such disabilities would reject this vision-intensive activity.
The auditory and visual deficits could then be compared with an MRI of each patient's brain.
Some drugs and special prisms have been reported to be successful in treating the visual deficits caused by nystagmus.
Fortunately, the blindness or visual deficits caused by retinal migraine resolve completely when attacks subside.