Like auditory hallucinations, the source of their visual counterpart can also be behind the patient's back.
Their visual counterpart is the feeling of being looked-stared at, usually with malicious intent.
Frequently, auditory hallucinations and their visual counterpart are experienced by the patient together.
They can be captured separately on individual tracks and carefully synced with their visual counterpart.
As comments, the work is a perfect visual counterpart to John Milton's Paradise Lost, written in the same period.
From single letters, students are taught how to associate sounds with their visual counterparts and blend those letters to spell words.
The Elven city was the visual counterpart to a piece of music: everything exactly where it ought to be, every portion necessary, nothing wasted, nothing too much.
The radio and a possible visual counterpart were identified by Whelan et al.
Essentially, he hears music in unexpected ways, preferring the surprising dramatic image to a strict visual counterpart to the score's structure.
Of her own work, she says that it contains visual counterparts to the somewhat Jamesian symbolism used by Hawthorne.