It's a visual encyclopedia on information security.
For this reason, they decide to create a visual encyclopedia containing lessons in the format of 12 minute videos.
A different set of images appeared every two or three seconds, like a visual encyclopedia of human anatomy.
The Swiss National Museum (221 10 10) at the north side of the Hauptbahnhof is a visual encyclopedia of the country's prehistory, history, culture, handicrafts and folk art.
How Stuff is Made (HSIM) is a visual encyclopedia documenting the manufacturing processes, environmental costs and labor conditions involved in the production of contemporary products.
The Victoria and Albert Museum is a visual encyclopedia of the applied arts, with appended collections of paintings, sculptures and drawings.
Ultimately, Raffael's "visual encyclopedia" serves to make the reality of history itself a kind of packaged commodity, to be play-buttoned, paused, fast-forwarded and ejected.
Last July, London's National Gallery unveiled a computer information room in its new wing, offering a visual encyclopedia of more than 2,000 paintings in the collection, plus collections there on long-term loan.
It's difficult to be sure we understand this, because even their excellent visual encyclopedia more readily describes physical things than it does philosophies.
Howstuffismade (HSIM) is a visual encyclopedia that documents the manufacturing processes, labor conditions and environmental impacts involved in the production of contemporary products.