If those rooms are full and each visitor is eating 2.4 meals a day in restaurants - you can multiply it out.
A visitor can eat well, if simply, for $10 or less a person, at 667,000 lira to the dollar.
Try as she may, Ms. Cambria can never predict exactly how much food the hospital's patients, visitors and staff will eat.
Here, visitors can eat, shop and visit several museums and galleries.
There was plenty of it, and the hungry visitors and Sooty ate everything put before them.
Upon entering, children have their hands stamped so that visitors can leave, eat and return.
I just like to know who our visitors ate.
This meant that as visitors ate, drank and discarded, the streets became their repositories.
It even spills into the streets, where visitors can eat, breathe and even drink flowers for a week.
Once a year, a bat flight breakfast is held where visitors can eat breakfast at the park prior to the morning return of bats.