However, visitors should carefully consider whether or not it is worth the risk to ride a motorbike.
The thought-provoking 'room of choices' encourages visitors to consider the difficult judgments that every person had to make during the war.
Because of the beach's isolation and difficult access, some visitors consider it to be clothing optional.
The park's theatre was however criticized for repeated shows that have been played since the opening, in which visitors considered boring.
Therefore visitors should consider whether they have any items with them when planning to visit the Embassy and decide to leave them elsewhere before arriving.
For safety reasons, visitors should strongly consider hiring a private car and driver through their travel agency or hotel.
The show is an obvious attempt to get visitors to consider the effect of environment on art.
Prospective visitors to whom grounds of exclusion may apply should consider their options before applying for a visa.
Your visitors might also consider wheelchair-accessible vans, which are more widely available.
Many Lexingtonians (and visitors) consider red slaw a staple for a quality barbecue experience.