Journalists often visited for talks with guerrillas.
A Caldaire delegation visited London earlier this week for talks with Department of Transport officials.
Several high-level French business delegations visited Iraq last year for preliminary talks.
A Czechoslovak delegation visited Israel earlier this month for talks with the Foreign Ministry on the resumption of ties, which is expected soon.
Mohammed Moussa visited Syria on June 10-11 for further talks.
But last week he visited Zambia and South Africa for talks with potential mediators in the conflict.
In March 1970, hostile Ansar crowds prevented Nimeiri from visiting the island for talks with the imam.
King Abdullah of Jordan is also scheduled to visit Washington next week for talks.
Caldaire management are visiting Westminister today for talks with transport minister Roger Freeman.
General Mikhail Moiseev, the Soviet chief of staff, visited Washington this week for talks aimed at narrowing the difference between the two sides.