He's visiting local businesses like this one which makes garden equipment to hear how they're coping with the drop in orders.
He visits schools, local businesses, senior centers and popular community meeting places so he can make himself accessible to the people of the district.
We also visited other businesses who had already installed water recycling systems.
Enforcement officers visit homes and businesses about three million times a year.
There are stories of double mortgages taken, loan sharks visited, businesses for sale below cost.
As such, he spends a lot of time visiting schools, charity events, businesses and grand openings to promote the team.
On their second visit they continued ignoring their parents while visiting various businesses in Tampa.
We also help achieve our aims by visiting individual businesses.
I've been visiting businesses that dump at Devonshire for weeks now.
Ideas may also be sparked by offering experiences such as taking a walk through the neighborhood, visiting local businesses, or reading books.