Trenchard's visit to the British capital also afforded him the opportunity of discussing the future of the air services with Smuts.
A visit affords the opportunity to meet the hardy, fun-loving people with the mysterious background - historians cannot quite figure out with certainty their origins.
His visit afforded her but a very partial satisfaction, while his own enjoyment in it appeared so imperfect.
The visit afforded her an opportunity to avoid a particularly persistent suitor who was more interested in her dowry than her person.
To those who would study his deceptive form of art a visit to the collection of Wörlitz near Dessau may afford instruction.
A one-day visit affords an opportunity to tour several establishments, each specializing in a different, distinctive type of ceramics.
He noted that many hospital patients cast absentee ballots, and the visits afforded him the chance to campaign among hospital staff members as well.
Such visits and stay with her mother-in-law afford the groom's family the opportunity to study their bride more closely.
It did not seem to Hemingway that their visit was affording Ladislas any pleasure.
A visit to Mexico at the beginning of November will afford an unsuspecting visitor a startling sight: streets adorned with...