After a visit to his home, accompanied by a constable, Sickles was taken to jail.
The title story is the tale of a Professor's visit to three shrines, accompanied by his shy submissive middle-aged housekeeper, and his reasons for doing so.
The next day, however, he came early into the pavilion, before Temeraire had left on his visit, accompanied by Prince Yongxing.
So he went to Yad Vashem today on what was described as a "private visit," accompanied by an Israeli cousin who had come here from Poland in 1957.
The Norsel made three round-trips to the Antarctic, with subsequent visits accompanied by a Norwegian and a Swedish flying unit to assist with aerial photography.
In 1782, he made his second visit to Italy, accompanied by the author William Beckford, spending much time at Naples.
It was tacitly understood that while Tony might leave the asylum for short visits, accompanied by a male nurse, he would never again be able to participate in the outside world.
Mr. Richardson concluded a three-day visit accompanied by State and Defense Department officials.
Sometime in the early afternoon, Presley dropped in to pay a casual visit accompanied by a girlfriend, Marilyn Evans.
On this reporter's third visit since April to government-held portions of Darfur, always accompanied by government officials, the signs of misery seemed more acute than ever, and the camps significantly larger.