They often visit Slovakia for paramilitary training, mountain expeditions and Slavic gatherings.
During the autumn of 2004 he visited the Czech Republic and Slovakia as a guest of Cardinal Vlk of Prague.
You may visit Slovakia for up to 90 days for tourism or business without a visa.
This marked the first occasion when a sitting President of the United States visited Slovakia since its independence in 1993.
Her tour will begin on 15 April, where she will visit Slovakia, appearing on a national breakfast show and on a state radio station.
He visited Slovakia before his inauguration on the occasion of the passing of the Hungarian law allowing citizenship to be given to Hungarians living in neighboring countries.
During his tenure, in 1994 the first Nordic head of state - Iceland's president Vigdís Finnbogadóttir - visited Slovakia.
The winter tourist season is fast approaching, when tens of thousands of tourists will visit Slovakia and the Czech Republic.
German Federal President Horst Köhler visited Slovakia on 2 November 2005.