After Marianna's elimination the four remaining girls are told by Natasha they will sail on a cruise on the Mediterranean to visit Marseille and Barcelona.
The four remaining contestants visit Marseille and Barcelona, but the ship is the place where they face their weekly photoshoot.
During the deployment, she visited Gibraltar, Malta, and Marseille, before arriving back in the United States on 29 March.
They visited Egypt, Marseille, Paris and Brussels on their way to the Netherlands.
They travelled through France together, mostly on foot and by boat, visiting Avignon and Marseille, from where they sailed to Civitavecchia.
Rangers will now visit Marseille next month minus Hateley but with their unbeaten record in Europe still intact.
Al-Himsi became a wealthy and successful tradesman, visiting Marseille and Paris and other French cities for several occasions.
It's his last trip this week after visiting Frankfurt, Berlin, Paris and Marseille.
Urban V visited Marseille in October 1365, consecrated the high altar of the church.
Has visited Nantes, Calais, Antwerp, Toulouse, and Marseille, as well as Paris in 2006, where it was seen by over 50,000 people.