Nearly 40 million tourists normally visit Kyoto each year - including 500,000 foreigners, of whom 90,000 are Americans - but the number is now well below normal.
He met Yolei when she is visiting Kyoto with her class.
However, I'd love to reschedule as it was going to be a big trip staying in an amazing hotel, visiting Kyoto and eating at some fabulous restaurants.
She visited Kyoto, which she described as "the heart of 'Shogun's' world."
Officials of the agency did visit Kyoto, to explain that the stress tests on the two idled reactors were approved.
The Somiyas go on one last trip together before the wedding, visiting Kyoto.
(Ōmiya Palace was, however, reconstructed in 1867 and is still used by the emperor whenever he visits Kyoto).
This was the first time since the visit of Iemitsu in the Kan'ei era, 230 years before, that a shogun had visited Kyoto.
"That would be a lovely bow, if only you were a farmer visiting Kyoto for the first time," she said.
Masayasu visited Kyoto as part of a formal inspection in 1683.